Mosquito Control Services

Our Services

Mosquito Control Services

Mosquitoes constitute the most important single family of insects from the stand of human health. They are found all over the world. The four important groups of Mosquito Control which are related to disease transmission are the Anopheles, Culex, Aedes and Mansonia.

Mosquitoes are vectors of numerous diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, filariasis, dengue chikungunya. Most female mosquitoes require a blood meal before they can produce a batch of eggs. Anopheles, culex and Aedes are the most common species of mosquitoes that spread diseases. These vectors develop through four stages: egg, larvae, pupa and adult, complete development from egg to adult usually takes 10 to 14 days but varies according to the species and temperature

Mosquito Control Service Measures:

The best control mechanism is prevention. Eliminating all possible mosquito breeding sources - standing water, piles of cut grass and fallen leaves, cleaning fence rows of wild grasses and weeds, keeping rain gutters free of litter and other vegetation- is indeed your starting point in an integrated pest management program targeting disease carrying pests. Pesterad Services have immense experience in this filed and strive to offer effective pest control treatments in a timely manner. We ensure that our talented staff inspect the area which has been affected and take potential steps to solve your pest problems. Our products are highly demanded in the market for their excellent features like non toxic to humans and pets, environment friendly, do not discolor the walls, have no odour and many others.

Diseases caused by different species of mosquito:

  • Anopheles Stephensi - Malaria.
  • Culex - Filariasis, Japanese Encephalitis.
  • > Aedes - ChikunGuniya, Dengue.

Habits of Mosquito Control

  • Feeding Habits: The males never bite : they subsist on plant juices. The females on the contrary are haematophagous.
  • Time of biting: In general mosquitoes bite in the evening or in the early part of the night.
  • Resting Habits: Mosquito Control obscure themselves during the day in dark and cool corners.
  • Breeding Habits: The anophelines prefer clean water for breeding; the culicines prefer dirty and polluted water.
  • Hibernation: Mosquito Control are known to hibernate in adult's stage when the environmental conditions are not favorable. Severe winters are tided over by mosquito control.
  • Dispersal: Mosquito Control don’t generally fly far from the place where they bred unless swept by currents of wind. The range of flight varies with species, and may rang up to 11Kms. Aircraft and ships.

Follow These Few Tips to Control Mosquito:

  • Do not throw utensils, vessels, buckets, tyres, bottles, tender coconut shells etc. in the open. All such things should be cleared during the rainy season.
  • Get rid of old tires, tin cans, buckets, drums, bottles or any water-holding containers.
  • All tanks should be kept tightly closed.
  • Terraces and roofs should ideally have a slope and adequate drainage for water, particularly in places where monsoon tends to be heavy.
  • Fill in or drain any low places (puddles, ruts) in and around your home.
  • Keep drains, ditches and culverts clean of weeds and trash so water will drain properly.
  • Empty plastic wading pool and store it indoors when not in use.
  • Repair leaky pipes and outdoor faucets.

Mosquito Control Treatment (Against Mosquitoes & Mosquito larva):

The Mosquito control treatment carries insecticides spraying to entire building outside, Garden area & Vacant area. Which shall eradicate the existing Mosquitoes & Mosquito larva and also prevents these Mosquitoes & Mosquito larva for a long time.